Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day

Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® (CBD) is an international celebration of women and non-binary individuals in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry — a movement to recognize the impact they have on our industry.

Each year, registered teams brew beer and participate in Collaboration Brew Day, donating portions of the proceeds of their sales to help fund scholarships that support the Pink Boots mission to assist, inspire, and encourage the professional development and education of women and non-binary individuals in our industry. It is our largest, annual fundraising event.


1) Purchase our Annual Blend

Yakima Chief Hops (YCH) partners with us every year to make an exclusive Pink Boots hop blend. Our members and Chapters actively participate in the annual hop rub (blend, vote, and final selection). This year’s blend, chosen at the Great American Beer Festival, features HBC 638, El Dorado®, Ahtanum®, and Idaho 7®, so brewers can expect berry and citrus punctuated with peppery earthiness and floral notes.

Yakima Chief Hops donates $3 from every pound sold back to Pink Boots Society. Donations from last year’s hop blend provided $137,565 for our education and programming initiatives.

Purchase Annual Blend

2) Register for Collaboration Brew Day! 

Anyone in the industry — regardless of gender or Pink Boots membership status — from anywhere in the world can participate in Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day®! Registration enables you to use the official Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day logo on your packaging and merchandise as well as a variety of promotional resources we’ve created for you in our CBD Toolkit. By participating in Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® each participating brewery pledges to donate proceeds of their associated beer sales to Pink Boots Society for tax recording purposes. Donations from your brew day (in the amount you choose) contribute to the scholarship and educational programs offered by Pink Boots throughout the year.

Register for 2024 CBD





1) The first step is to register!

Your official registration adds your brewery to the Google map so beer enthusiasts can find you and your special brew! Simply register online, then formulate your own special Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day beer recipe and brew your own beer.

2) After you register, you get access to all of the resources you’ll need to plan and organize a successful brew day...

And be authorized to use our official Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® logo (unregistered breweries using our logo to promote beer sales are in violation of the trademark). You will be emailed A CBD Toolkit containing:

  • trademarked CBD logo and variations
  • media kit
  • social media graphics
  • FAQs
  • and much more!

Below are examples of materials you will receive to aid your planning: 

Collaboration Brew Day Checklist

Pink Boots Society Impact Statement

User Guide for CBD Branding:

English Version (2024 CBD)

Spanish Version (2023 CBD)

French Version(2024CBD)

3) Spot Order the Annual Hop Blend from Yakima Chief Hops!
Purchasing our hop blend is not required for you to participate in Collaboration Brew Day, but it is another way to contribute to our efforts.

Many breweries use our annual Pink Boots hop blend in their CBD brews, some use their own blend, and others purchase the blend but do not participate in Collaboration Brew Day. Regardless of if you purchase the blend or not,  you must officially register for Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day to use the CBD logo, our promotional resources, and participate in our event.

Order the Blend

4) Submit your donation anytime after you hold your brew day. You can submit your team’s donation from the sales of your special brew through a variety of methods.

Past Brew Day donations have funded over 85 scholarships in support of our mission!

Thank you for the support you provide to Pink Boots Society and Collaboration Brew Day!


Donations from teams participating in Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® and proceeds from the sales of our annual Pink Boots Hop Blend help fund our scholarships and other educational initiatives inline with the Pink Boots mission. Additionally, 50% of each registered team’s donation can go to a specific Pink Boot Chapter when that Chapter is selected on their donation form.

Often breweries using the Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® logo without permission are confused about the need to officially register for this annual celebration. They may have purchased the Pink Boots Hop Blend and incorrectly assumed that they were authorized to promote beer sales using our trademarked logos. Most just need a friendly conversation and reminder that they need to register in order to participate in this fundraiser

If you notice a brewery continuing to use our trademarked logos without an official registration, please contact Pink Boots staff and we will communicate our trademark policy with them.

Donation amounts are at the discretion of each registered brewery. Donations often vary based on the ingredients donated, labor contributed, the size of brew, or other factors. Participating teams can choose to donate either a flat rate or per barrel/pint.

Flat Donations:  Most breweries prefer to designate a flat rate to remove any guesswork or tracking efforts.
Per Barrel or Per Pint: Teams that chose to donate based on barrel or pint produced typically donate between $50 and $250 per bbl. 

More information on ways to donate is HERE. Invoices can be generated upon request.

While separate actions, Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® (CBD) and the Pink Boots Hop Blend go hand-in-hand as both raise funds to support Pink Boots scholarships and our mission.

By registering for Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day®, a brewery/team commits to organizing and gathering a group around the brewhouse to brew beer. The participating brewery/team also commits to donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their beer to Pink Boots Society. This donation can support their local Chapter and funds a variety of educational activities and scholarships for women and non-binary individuals in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry.

By purchasing the Pink Boots Hop Blend, The Pink Boots Hop Blend is a community blend formulated by Pink Boots Society members through a hop rub event sponsored by our partner, Yakima Chief Hops (YCH). Purchasing the Pink Boots Hop Blend also assist Pink Boots Society in our fundraising efforts. YCH produces T-90 pellets and donates $3.00 per pound to Pink Boots Society National Chapter to fund scholarships and offset administrative fees. Any brewery or homebrewer with a YCH account can purchase this unique Hop Blend HERE and brew with it just as they would any other hop. There is no commitment to participate in the official Collaboration Brew Day or directly donate funds to Pink Boots Society if you simply buy the Pink Boots Hop Blend.

In order to use the official Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® logo, our CBD promotional tools and images, or any other Pink Boots intellectual property to promote the beer you brewed with our hop blend, however, you must officially register to participate in Collaboration Brew Day. You are not automatically registered to participate in Collaboration Brew Day when you purchase the Pink Boots Hop Blend.

You can hold your team’s brew day on any day of the year!

The official date for Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day®  aligns with the annual celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8. While many teams plan their brew day around International Women’s Day to celebrate along with our wider society, registered teams can hold their brew day on any day of the year! We’re so glad to keep the momentum and spirit of collaboration going year-round.

We hope Pink Boots members and supporters can view the participating brewery map and find opportunities throughout the year to celebrate brew days within their chapters, regions, or scholarship cohort groups.

Registered teams and brew day participants are encouraged to post photos of their brew day event on social media and blogs with relevant tags.

Popular Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® tags:

Those that are brewing with the Annual Pink Boots Blend can also use:

As with any activity officially associated with Pink Boots Society, you can always use our tag and the year:
#pinkbootsYYYY (ex: #pinkboots2024)

Yes! Homebrewers are encouraged to buy the Yakima Chief hop blend and participate in a brew day. As homebrewers can’t sell their beer, there is no expectation for homebrewers to donate additional funds to Pink Boots.

Brewers are encouraged to use our annual Pink Boots Hop Blend.  These blends are curated by Pink Boots members, Chapters, and Yakima Chief Hops with the final blend selection typically taking place at the Great American Beer Festival. The blend is distributed by Country Malt Group. We sell our limited annual blend until supplies run out!

This year, our official 7th Annual Pink Boots Hop Blend, features HBC 638, El Dorado®, Ahtanum®, and Idaho 7®. Brewers can expect berry and citrus punctuated with peppery earthiness and floral notes.

Spot order the 7th Annual Blend!

Yakima Chief Hops generously donates $3 per pound directly back to Pink Boots Society. These funds are used to support our scholarship program and support the Pink Boots mission to assist, inspire, and encourage women and non-binary individuals in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry through education.

Materials to help you plan a successful brew day:

This CBD page has process information, our brand guide, a brew day checklist, and the Pink Boots Impact Statement to help you understand, promote, and share brew day information with your team, chapter, and brewery.
Once your team registers, the person owning the email you registered under will receive a full CBD toolkit of resources to help you plan and promote your brew day, including the official CBD logo, social media templates, and promotional tips.

Information on the Pink Boots Blend:

You can find helpful information on the annual Pink Boots blend here. This also links to their media kit and order form.

Pink Boots Society gear and our official Collaboration Brew Day t-shirt:

You can find a variety of Pink Boots branded merch and our official CBD t-shirts in our store.
News about how and when to order the official CBD shirt will go out to all members and registered teams in emails. Keep your eyes out for these emails from Pink Boots, containing valuable tips and trips as you solidify your brew day plans.

Purchasing Pink Boots Blend does not give a brewery or individual the right to use the Pink Boots Society logo or Collaboration Brew Day® logo in any of their marketing or promotion. In order to have the right to use the Collaboration Brew Day® logo, a brewery must register for Collaboration Brew Day®. All registered breweries are listed on this map. Please follow all requirements in the Pink Boots Society Collaboration Brew Day® User Guide.